Light tuna and cheese salad



A tasty and hearty cheese salad can also be made lighter: choose Edam Cutting Cheese and prepare the dressing with a lighter yogurt base. The salad gains juiciness and healthy fatty acids from canned tuna.


150 g Valio Edam Cheese

1 can tuna in oil

1 box mixed salad

250 g cherry tomatoes

1-2 spring onions with stems

2 boiled eggs (boiled for 10 min)

For The Sauce:

200 g light Yogurt

3.3 tbsp of capers

1 tbsp mild mustard

Black Pepper


1Cube the cheese. Drain the tuna.

2 Rinse and dry the lettuce, halve the cherry tomatoes and finely chop the onion.
3 Cut the boiled eggs into wedges.
4 Layer the ingredients on a salad platter or into individual portions. Mix the dressing and serve with the salad.
5 This salad is suitable as a main course when enjoyed with bread. You can also try it as an appetizer.